Frequently asked questions
Why do you say that your products are chemical-free?
Our core mission is to provide chemical-free, unadulterated food to consumers. We take great pains to ensure that we go directly to the fishermen or farmers without any middlemen in between and buy the freshest of fresh food straight from the source. Further, we follow the most modern & scientific transportation and packaging processes from source till your door steps. This ensures that the required temperature and other conditions for healthy preservation of meats is met using nothing but natural ice as the preservative.
Are there really chemicals used in fish available locally? Come on, that's just your sales pitch. I don't believe it!
How we wish that were true! We have observed that a large percentage of the fish available in the local market has Ammonia in them. A smaller percentage has Formalin.
How can you confidently say that your meats do not have hormones in them?
We take great care to ensure there are no growth promoters such as hormones, antibiotics, and other bad stuff in the poultry that you buy from us. The growth promoter bit is easy – if you are ready to take a hit on the profit margin and are ok with poultry such as chicken not growing to the largest size before slaughter, then you don’t need to add any growth promoters. Most vendors in the market today do not add hormones to chicken and this is a common myth. Now we take the concept to the extreme for health reasons and take a hit on the profitability in return for a smaller bird - that is why you see that our whole chicken is only between 1-1.3 kg after cleaning, generally the chicken available in the market would be much bigger. The good news though is smaller chicken is more tender and much more tastier.
What about antibiotics in the Chicken?
The antibiotics part in Chicken is a more complicated story. We ensure that we take the broiler chicken from institutional farmers who are FSSAI/HACCP certified and also conduct lab test on each batch of chicken for the presence of antibiotics or other growth promoters. We also closely keep tab on the product to ensure that the final meat is free of antibiotics before it reaches your doorsteps. The devil is in the details, so allow us to explain - Broiler Chicken is not practical to be farmed commercially without any antibiotic use in the early stage of its life cycle.You could actually cause more harm than good by not giving the appropriate medicines/vaccines in the early stage of growth. However in the interest of maximising profits, some of the market vendors over use antibiotics (and also other growth promoters) all the way till the bird is slaughtered. The main way in which this is done is by mixing the antibiotics in the feed and water. What we do differently is to ensure that our farmers follow the withdrawal method - each antibiotic has a well defined half life period, which is the time it gets dissipated from the birds blood stream and body, similar to what happens to human beings when you are sick - the antibiotics from the medicines are in your blood only for a small period of time. Our farmers ensure that no antibiotic are used for a large period of time prior to the slaughter – hence there is no possibility of it coming in to the food you eat. We also ensure that there is natural minerals added in the feed making the chicken more healthier. Additionally our broiler chicken are all reared at the same age to avoid infections which is not the case with the chicken you get from the market. Also our rearing is done in large areas where the cross breed infection possibility is rare.
What about Ducks or other poultry?
In the case of larger birds like duck or country chicken, antibiotics are not needed at any stage as they are more sturdier birds and they are reared in a free range fashion.
Are all your Chicken Free Range?
No, only the Country Chicken varieties are Free Range birds. The others are reared naturally but not in the open farms which qualify for Free Range rearing.
How do you manage to deliver it so fresh?
Simple - we procure the day's catch from fisherman hours after they actually fish and come to the shore. Our well oil-ed processing center ensures that the fresh catch reaches our plants within no time of the catch landing on the shore. At our delivery end, we have a network of vehicles that pick up the product from the airport/train stations and deliver to your doorsteps. We do not depend on any courier companies and have sourcing and delivery fully under our control - while this is expensive, it allows us to give you the worlds best fish in the fastest time possible from source to destination.
How on time are you guys?
We have our own logistics and delivery work force, so we have a fair amount of control on our schedules. The two factors that are not in our control are train and airline schedules - our two primary means of supply in to the Cities. However these are extra ordinary situations and barring acts of God, we deliver on time 99.99% of the time.
Are your meats Halal Cut?
Yes all meats are 100% halal cut.
Why do you charge for delivery service?
​We provide fish that is a week to 6 months fresher than the fish that you currently get from the market and deliver that at potentially much lower prices than the local market. What this means is that we operate with razor-thin margins and for us to break even we need to add a delivery charge based on the location. As our volumes increase, we are hoping we can lower this cost.
What are the payment options supported?
We support both online as well as cash on delivery payment methods. No extra fees is charged for using any of the payment methods.
Is my credit card information safe on your site?
Yes. We do not store credit card details in our system. All online payment related transactions are carried out using trusted Razorpay backed payment gateway system.
If I pay by Credit Card / Debit Card / Net banking / UPI / Wallet, how long will it take for my account to be debited?
After a successful transaction, your account will get debited immediately.
I made a successful payment by net banking but the system says that the ‘verification has failed’. Now what?
To place a successful order, your payment transaction has to get verified successfully at your bank’s direct debit gateway. The verification can fail because of various reasons. If you made a successful payment but the verification failed, do not worry. The amount debited from your account will get credited back within 7 working days.
What if the transaction fails while I am paying online using any payment method?
Go back to the site and you will be presented with a page to re-attempt the online payment or convert the order to Cash on Delivery (COD) option.
I cancelled my order which was made using online payment option (Credit Card / Debit Card / Net banking / UPI / Wallet). How will I get my money back and when?
The account that you used for payment will get credited with the refund amount within 8-9 working days.
My bank is not listed in online payment option, how can I pay?
You can use other payment options (Credit Card / Debit Card / UPI / Wallet) to pay. In case you are unable to pay using any of those options, you can use Cash on Delivery option.
Will I be charged any additional fee for using online payment option?
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